Testing Isotope eCommerce on your own server

Our demo installation is the best tool to show you the configuration and features of Isotope eCommerce. The setup is based on the official Contao Demo and works in conjunction with a fresh installation of Contao 4.13 and using the Contao Manager.

Installation via the Contao Manager

Install the Contao Manager as described in the Contao documentation and follow these instructions step by step.

Select the Theme for Contao option and enter isotope in the search field.

Theme for Contao

Click on Details in the search result and then on Install.

Install the Isotope eCommerce Demo

The demo will now be installed.

Demo will be installed

Once the installation is complete, the connection parameters must be entered.

Connection parameters

Click on Import theme.

Import theme

The database is restored from the supplied backup.

Database backup will be restored

The database import has been successfully completed, click on Continue to check the database schema.

Finalize database import

Perform the pending migration by clicking on Check database.

Execute pending migrations

To update the database, click on Execute.

Execute database changes

The database changes have been applied, click Next.

Database changes have been adopted

Click on Execute to make the Shema changes.

Execute database changes

There are no further migrations or schema changes, click Confirm & Close.

Confirm & close

Complete the customization of the database by clicking Next.

Database schema up to date

Click Next, as a user account already exists in the database backup supplied.

User account exists in the database

The Isotope eCommerce demo has been successfully installed.


You can now check the front end or log in in the back end via http://www.yourdomain.org/contao/login as Kevin Jones.

(username: k.jones and password: kevinjones)

Have fun and happy testing!

If you have any questions, please check out our manual or contact the community forums.

Installation via the command line

In your project directory:

composer create-project isotope/isotope-demo .

Define the database connection in the .env.local.

Change to the isotope-demo directory and import the database backup:

vendor/bin/contao-console contao:backup:restore

and execute pending migrations:

vendor/bin/contao-console contao:migrate