Isotope News

When Can We Expect Isotope eCommerce 2.0?

As you may know, we here at Isotope recently adopted the same fundraising concept started by the MetaModels team. We hope this successful concept serves as a foundation for these and other Contao extensions.

Our first fundraising experience was simply overwhelming: the community managed to raise 5,000€ for Isotope eCommerce 2.0 on only 2.5 days!

A heartfelt thanks to each and every one of our sponsors.

Now it's up to us to fulfill our end of the bargain. The developers have already started their work.

The release cycle for Isotope will be in the same phases as Contao:

  1. Isotope eCommerce 2.0 beta (about 1 month)
  2. Isotope eCommerce 2.0 RC (about 1 month)
  3. Isotope eCommerce 2.0 stable

We plan on having the Isotope eCommerce beta1 release available no later than September 30 2013.

As always, we recommend that you do not use beta and RC releases for production websites.

Last but not least, the people from MetaModels are still fundraising for new features. And so are we. We look forward to your continued support and, of course, we welcome donations of any size!

About Blair Winans

Blair is the founder of Isotope eCommerce and avid Contao proponent. He's Head of Digital Team at HB Agency and responsible for most of the english text at He is a connoisseur of fine meats and cheeses. Cheese is the point of connection to Switzerland. ;-)

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