Isotope News

The current state of Isotope eCommerce 2.0

A lot has happened since you, the community, helped make our initial fundraising campaign a success!

So far we have totaled about 60 hours of work with 719 changed files, 51,645 new lines of code, and 63,461 deleted lines. We're making good progress and are on track to have the first beta version ready for a September 30th release.

Check out all the progress on GitHub, where you can follow the progress of Isotope eCommerce 2.0 in real-time!

About Blair Winans

Blair is the founder of Isotope eCommerce and avid Contao proponent. He's Head of Digital Team at HB Agency and responsible for most of the english text at He is a connoisseur of fine meats and cheeses. Cheese is the point of connection to Switzerland. ;-)

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