Isotope News

Isotope eCommerce 2.0.0 released

After 4 months of development and many, many beads of sweat we are very proud to announce the first stable version of Isotope eCommerce 2.0!

First things first: This version of Isotope eCommerce requires at least Contao 3.2.2. Otherwise you will not be able to use downloadable products. With the release of this version we also announce the immediate stop of support for Isotope eCommerce 1.4.*.

Performance: This release ships with massive performance improvements compared to RC2. We have analyzed and optimized SQL queries. Therefore, please do not forget to update your database. All the optimizations are useless though, if caches are deactivated. Please make sure when you're testing or comparing the speed that…

  • …the front end preview with "show invisible elements" is not active! This causes SQL queries to be built a little differently and thus becoming slower (SQL keys).
  • …the debug mode is deactivated. In debug mode all Isotope eCommerce internal caches will be skipped and a lot of time is waisted for debugging purposes.
  • …the internal cache of Contao is built! Isotope eCommerce makes excessive use of the in Contao 3 introduced models. If you do not build up the internal cache or have activated the checkbox "Bypass the internal cache" in the global system settings, the loading time for the product list will increase to several seconds immediately!
  • …the Extension "isotope_rules" is deactivated as long as you don't need it. Rules are very complex and thus need a lot of logic that's built in. Moreover, they haven't been checked for performance issues yet.

For developers: We orientate ourselves by the principles of Semantic Versioning but as with so many things in life it works just better on paper than in practice. We thus want to draw your attention to the fact that we had to make a couple of small API changes - despite RC phase - to be able to fix severe bugs. We ask for your understanding.

Those of you who would like to read about the improvements in Isotope eCommerce 2.0 once again can do this in the blog entries about beta1 and RC1.

Otherwise we hope that our efforts and expenses have been well worthwhile and wish you a lot of success and fun with version 2.0 of our baby, both professionally and privately all the luck in the world and a wonderful time amongst your families and friends.

Merry Christmas!

Yanick, Bjarke, Andreas, Pelle, Holger, Kirsten, Kamil, Blair, Christian und Monique

More information to this release

About Yanick Witschi

Yanick is a communicator, diplomat and coder in one. When he is not working on the latest version of Contao, he provides terminal42 customers with customized Contao packages. He is also responsible for making your coffee break a lot shorter since the switch to Composer 2 in the Contao Manager.

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