Isotope News

Isotope eCommerce 2.9.0 released

We have released the new Isotope eCommerce version 2.9 and here is an overview of the new features.

A brief review and outlook

You haven't heard anything from us for a long time. We haven't been idle at all, but we've let the release process hold us up.

This is not helpful for you and unsatisfactory for us. We have therefore decided to speed up the release process in future. By releasing bug fixes and new features as soon as they are ready. In extreme cases, this could lead to something being released more than once a week.

With immediate effect, we will also no longer publish bugfix versions on the website and will only present new features. The Contao Manager will indicate as soon as new versions are available. A regular update of the entire system makes sense anyway.

The new version 2.9 of Isotope eCommerce

The new version 2.9 of Isotope eCommerce works with Contao 4.13 and requires PHP 7.4.0 or newer.

We are happy to share a selected part of the new features with you. You can find more details in the Changelog or directly in the Git commits.

Isotope now counts for you how often a product has already been called up

If you have always wanted to know whether your products are being viewed on the reader page, you can find out by displaying the details for the desired product under "Products".

If the "Hit counter" remains at zero, you should add the following line under the hidden input fields in your customised iso_reader_default.html5:

<img src="<?= $this->hitCountUrl() ?>" alt="" width="1" height="1" aria-hidden="true" style="position:absolute">

Eine neue Zahlungsart «PayPal Checkout» steht für euch bereit

The new payment method taps into PayPal's new API. So if you have problems with the "PayPal Standard" or "PayPal PLUS" payment methods, switching to "PayPal Checkout" could help. As we unfortunately do not have a shop with this payment method in use, we would be delighted if you could write a short guide for the documentation.

The favorites feature is now also available for guests

As with the shopping cart, Isotope now uses a cookie for this, which is valid for 30 days. In addition, in the "Favorites" module type, you can activate whether the products should be removed from the favorites when they are added to the shopping cart.

Insert tags for favorites added

If you want to display the number of products for the favorites, as next to your shopping cart symbol, you can do this using the insert tag {{favorites::quantity}}, for example.

You can find out which new insert tags are available in our documentation.

Filter orders by product in the backend

Let's assume your order list has grown over the years and is therefore very long, but you want to know who has ordered a product or variant. No problem! You can use the "Products" button to display only the orders that contain a specific product or variant. For example, if you have T-shirts in different colors on offer, you can only display the orders for the green T-shirts.

Attribute type: Text field filterable in the frontend

With this customization, attributes of the type "Text field" can be used as filters in the frontend.

Revision of the store statistics

Thanks to Hendrik and Lars from the community, the statistics tool has been revised and provided with new views.

Output details in the past orders

In the "Past orders" module type, an "Order details" module type can now be selected to display the details of each order directly in the list.

A big thank you to everyone who has contributed in any way to making Isotope eCommerce a little better. A thousand thanks also to our Circle members for their support.

What happens next

You're probably wondering what's next for Isotope and Contao 5? We have been racking our brains and will be able to give you more details soon.

If you want to actively follow the further development of Isotope eCommerce, we recommend that you subscribe to our newsletter.

Have fun with the new version of Isotope eCommerce and happy selling!

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About Bjarke Ammann

Under the pseudonym netzarbeiter, our old master transforms rough diamonds into gems and has become an indispensable support for Isotope eCommerce in the areas of blog, manual and demo.

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