Isotope News

Isotope eCommerce 2.7.0 released

We have released the new Isotope eCommerce version 2.7 already some time ago and are now providing you with an overview of the new features.

Store Configuration > Checkout Flow > Shipping methods

The product shipping price can now be calculated according to different rules, the following are available:

  • Highest price of items
  • Lowest price of items
  • Sum of price per items
  • Highest price of product
  • Lowest price of product
  • Sum of price per product

Store Configuration > Checkout Flow > Payment methods

There is a new payment method for SwissBilling now. In order to use it, the terminal42/swissbilling-api library must be installed.

A payment method can now be excluded for certain product types via the "Product type condition" setting (Disable if any of these product types are in the cart).

The mPay24 API has been updated to include billing and shipping addresses.

PayPal Plus payment is now not redirected to standard PayPal screen but is displayed in typical PayPal Plus iFrame. We have also fixed an issue with possibly wrong price in PayPal Standard if the product had no title.

Store Configuration > Checkout Flow > Attributes

This version has a new attribute for selecting a page from the page tree. You can define if one or more target pages can be selected and also define a reference root page.


You could change the order status in the back end for quite some time. We now collect and display a history of all status changes. Furthermore, a notification can be sent independently of the order status and can be provided with a shipment number and/or a message to the customer. This will simplify your shipping process.

Language files

You can now translate the attributePriceLabel via language files.

The language file should be placed here: contao/languages/de/default.xlf. If the folder does not exist yet, just create it!

<?xml version="1.0" ?><xliff version="1.1" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<file datatype="plaintext" original="system/modules/isotope/languages/en/default.xlf" source-language="en" target-language="de">
<trans-unit id="MSC.attributePriceLabel">
<source>%s (%s)</source>

Rules & Coupons

To apply only one of several rules in the shopping cart, you can now use the new type called "Cart Group". This could be used to cover the following use cases, for example:

  • for an order grand total of CHF 100.00 or more, apply a discount of 10%
  • for an order grand total of CHF 200.00 or more, apply a discount of 20%
  • for an order grand total of CHF 300.00 or more, apply a discount of 30%.

User groups

We have added an option in the user group settings to allow certain back end users to see orders of certain member groups only.

Insert tags

There is a new insert tag for the product price now: {{productPrice::type::product_id}}.


If a product list module has been placed on a reader page, the product displayed on the page is assigned an "active" CSS class in the product list now.

Up to this version, you could only output a form (e.g. checkbox for terms and conditions) on the order confirmation page. Now you can output forms in every step of the checkout process. That enables you to e.g. ask the guest for a desired shipping date for the given shipping method.


Compatibility with DC_Multilingual version 4 has been introduced.

Although Contao 3.5 is no longer officially supported as of May 2019, we decided to release a final Isotope eCommerce version with 2.7 that is still compatible with Contao 3.5.

About Yanick Witschi

Yanick is a communicator, diplomat and coder in one. When he is not working on the latest version of Contao, he provides terminal42 customers with customized Contao packages. He is also responsible for making your coffee break a lot shorter since the switch to Composer 2 in the Contao Manager.

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  1. Been using 2.7 for awhile and it's been great!

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