Isotope News

Isotope eCommerce 2.6.0 released

The new version 2.6 of Isotope eCommerce is now available.

Isotope eCommerce offers the following new features:

Shipping costs calculation

Isotope eCommerce can now calculate the shipping costs based on the weight of the shopping cart. Create a new shipping method of the type "flat rate shipping" and the "Per weight" option in the "Price and weight" section. In our example, the shipping costs are CHF 10.00 and the weight to be multiplied is 5 kg. If you have a product with a shipping weight of 10 kg, the shipping costs amount to CHF 20.00.

Forward exact search matches directly to the product detail page

If e.g. "Name" is selected in the "Redirect exact match" settings in the product filter module, the visitor is not redirected to the product list but directly to the detail page of the product in case the entered search terms for a product match exactly.

This feature is also particularly handy together with SKUs: If the SKU matches the visitor's entry exactly, you can jump directly to the respective product.

Category filter

In combination with a product list, the category filter ensures that products can be filtered by category.

A huge performance boost for the product list

The product list front end module is one of Isotope eCommerce's major performance bottlenecks. That's why we've spent hours debugging and improving the module, adjusting SQL queries and adding PHP opcode cache improvements. So even without any action on your side, the product list will load faster than ever!

But to make things even better, you can now disable rendering the product options in the list which will give your product list a massive performance boost. You only need the product options if you want to give your visitors the ability to add a product to the cart from the list directly. However, this means that Isotope needs to load all variants and generate all the options for all the products in the list. If you don't need this feature and only want to have your customers add the products to the cart from the product reader page, you can now check this new checkbox and watch how much faster your product list gets!

Saferpay JSON API

Thanks to a few Isotope Circle members, an integration with the new Saferpay JSON API was implemented. Please enter your Saferpay JSON API username and password with the payment method "Saferpay". Otherwise this payment method will stop working as of April 2020.

Restrict coupon code

Thanks to the Isotope Circle member, coupon codes can now be restricted to a single use, i.e. several vouchers cannot be cumulated for a single purchase.

Highlighting of searched terms in the product list

If you search via the product filter, the searched terms will now be enclosed with an <em> tag.

JavaScript plugin "Chosen" for the select attribute

The JavaScript plugin "Chosen" turns long and unhandy drop-downs into user-friendlier variants of themselves.

Drag-and-drop elements in the back end

With the new drag-and-drop feature you can click on elements in the backend and move them while holding down the mouse button.

Trusted Shops badge

Thanks to an Isotope Circle member, the Trusted Shops badge including buyer protection can now be integrated into Isotope as a front end module.


Have fun with the new Isotope eCommerce version!

More information to this release

About Yanick Witschi

Yanick is a communicator, diplomat and coder in one. When he is not working on the latest version of Contao, he provides terminal42 customers with customized Contao packages. He is also responsible for making your coffee break a lot shorter since the switch to Composer 2 in the Contao Manager.

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