Isotope News

Isotope eCommerce 2.5.0 released

We finally did it again, as of today you can get the new Isotope version 2.5.0!

In addition to three new payment methods, Concardis, mPAY24 (The credit goes to Werbeagentur) and PayPal Plus, DHL business customers have access to a new Isotope shipping method. Speaking of payment and shipping methods: They can now also be listed in the front end if they are free of charge. Additionally, Isotope now ships with a wishlist function and a fine range filter. The range filter was sponsored by the Isotope Circle member redmind GmbH. Thanks a lot!
Coupon codes had to be entered in the shopping cart up until now. You can now use the new front end module to place that form wherever you like. Moreover, our Integrity Check has been extended so that it now also recognizes invalid translations of products. In the back end, the ID of the order is now displayed in the list of orders. For both, the shipping and payment methods, you can now enable logging for debugging purposes in their respective settings which means it is now independent from the test mode and can also be enabled in production.

Last but not least, we plan to release new features more often and create smaller releases instead in the future, so that version 2.6 should be released in the foreseeable future.

Enjoy the latest and greatest version of Isotope, folks!

The Isotope eCommerce team

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About Yanick Witschi

Yanick is a communicator, diplomat and coder in one. When he is not working on the latest version of Contao, he provides terminal42 customers with customized Contao packages. He is also responsible for making your coffee break a lot shorter since the switch to Composer 2 in the Contao Manager.

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