Isotope News

5000 Thank You's and Next Steps

Wow. We're still in awe of the support from the community. In just 2.5 days we raised 5000€ in order to fund the development of Isotope 2.0.

In the coming days we will will publish a timeline for the 2.0 release here on the site, on Facebook, and on Twitter in order to make sure everyone is the community is up to date on the schedule.

The fundraising for the manual

We've been asked a lot to create a well documented user's manual for Isotope. We've already set up the functionality to make this happen via GitHub, but it will take support and fundraising from sponsors to make this happen.

Click here to find out more and to make a donation to help us develop a great Isotope manual.

As always, thank you all for your support!

About Blair Winans

Blair is the founder of Isotope eCommerce and avid Contao proponent. He's Head of Digital Team at HB Agency and responsible for most of the english text at He is a connoisseur of fine meats and cheeses. Cheese is the point of connection to Switzerland. ;-)

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