This is just a quick heads-up to let you know that the current version 2.1.1 of Isotope eCommerce does not work with the upcoming version 3.3 of Contao. Smaller changes have led to conflicts. Respective changes have already been pushed to GitHub and we plan the release of 2.1.2 as soon as Contao 3.3 is released. The demo based on version 3.3 will be available in near-term as well.
Conflicts with Contao 3.3
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About Yanick Witschi
Yanick is a communicator, diplomat and coder in one. When he is not working on the latest version of Contao, he provides terminal42 customers with customized Contao packages. He is also responsible for making your coffee break a lot shorter since the switch to Composer 2 in the Contao Manager.