This maintenance release fixes issues with downloads, the filter module and the choice of payment and shipping methods.
Important: Because of the found security hole in the Contao core, we have increased the dependency to version 3.2.7.
This maintenance release fixes issues with downloads, the filter module and the choice of payment and shipping methods.
Important: Because of the found security hole in the Contao core, we have increased the dependency to version 3.2.7.
This version fixes issues with the saving of documents, the availability of variants in the shopping cart, the request cache and the download attribute.
A few weeks have gone by since our Christmas present and version 2.0.0 stable. Now is the time to publish the new features on a more regular basis.
The fundraising for the manual has been completed today thanks to a very generous donator!
This version fixes issues with variant settings input as well as output, filter settings, automated clean up routines and sorting orders in front end modules.
This version fixes issues with PayPal and Sofortueberweisung, the variant generator issues and much more.